La Vieille Ferme - Naturist center - Rimouski
Naturism, primarily a state of mind !
La Vieille Ferme - Naturist center - Rimouski
Set in the vicinity of cultivated fields and wild woodland...
La Vieille Ferme - Naturist center - Rimouski
Activities for all !

Prices & Rules

The types of stay, camping and the rates

You can pass your whole day to La Vielle Ferme, between 8 am to the sunset, as you can stay in camping there for several days. You can spend this great time there with your family, in couple, alone or with your friends.

The young people of less than 18 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Description  Price per night Weekly prices 
Campsite with services 50$ 300$
Campsite with electricity 40$  240$
Campsite without services 35$ 210$
 Chalet and mobiles (+3.5$ Governement taxes)
135$  810$
* Taxes included in all services   
Living by day or season
Description Price per day Weekly prices
Couple or Family
(including children under 18)
25$ ----
Single Adult 15$ ----
Season cart - Couple ---- 325$ 
Season cart - Single Adult  ---- 225$ 
* Taxes included in all services

Some elementary rules of behaviour

In as much as the temperature allows it, the nakedness is of bet everywhere on the site, for all activities which take part in it decently.

The naturists have habit to bring a towel always to sit down in some place. They take no photos or sequences filmed in a naturist center.

Ouvert - début juin au début septembre

Séjour de un ou plusieurs jours

Activités organisés


CampingQuebec  FCN TourismeBasSt-Laurent


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